Sabtu, 28 September 2013

Berambat/Trawling Fish At Nanga Mela, Kapit, Sarawak

Berambat: The meaning of 'berambat' is trawling the fish nets with installing side by side and took the net is gradually from upstream to downstream.

Mela Kapit Sarawak River is a place for us to reel in the fish. We trawl fish from the upper reaches of the River downstream Mela Mela reason is disturbed by the presence of several people who were diving on the same day with our early morning.

Wong Copper is small terjuan water not far from the burial place of the Mela. If the river by boat, people had to pull it. But if the people downstream, they just need to let their boat brought river rapids.

Some people will resist a net at the downstream to trap the fish before start to trawl

If there's a lot of wood on the river banks or nets are not reach on the river banks, we have to use a stick to make the fish swim away to the middle of the river to trap them.

When we reach he downstream, some of team need to distract around the net to avoid the fish swim away. Both right and left side net will be form into a circle before bring the the over.

To avoid the big fish swim away from the net, we need to catch and kill the fish 

Just press the fish head or around the gill 

Lastly, bring over the net 

Then, get the leftover fish at the net 

That's only first round. Ikan Semah (big scale) and the unknown fish. I don't get the name. 

Nanga Sempaung

We start trawling here. 

People now a day don't use to trawling or fishing, maybe they think that is wasting their time. So, the just make a shortcut. Not catch the fish, or 'drug' the fish (menubai-tradisional way to make the fish unconscious). Worst than than, they just electricity the river or bomb the river. Our village not allowed people to do this thing but, some other fellow from another village allowed this method. 

After all, I am very satisfied for this adventure journey. We stop trawling at the evening. Late evening, we start to catch the frog and shrimp.