Selasa, 28 Julai 2015

Long House Nanga Mela Kapit, Sarawak (Modern)


Run and through...

       It seems like long house, but modern version. I remember our long house once was wooden house. The floor was not on the ground but suspended. After piling the 'tebelian' wood, we start to make the floor as high as 1 meter - some of long house was high than us - and people call  it 'baruh rumah'. 

       I remember when I was a kid, I like to play around the bottom of houses. We do 'gotong-royong' every month just to clean underground. I remember that my niece once felt into the underground of long house. We are panic and called her mother to take her. It seems to be fine because she not injured but still she cries for help. She just learning to walk. Poor Sena. Now, she is 20, I think. I am too far from home, that cause me not able to calculate her age well. Thanks God because she grew up to be a mature niece. 

       When my mother drop something underground, she will call me out/yell my name to take it back. Sometimes, I ask for 10 sen for return. Haha. I will buy some sweet. Best of it, we - my sibling- will share the sweet together. Either we divide one sweet to three or four piece. Another one sweet will be save for tomorrow night session or tomorrow. Or I just save it for myself - if I managed to hide it. Oh, the sweet memory of mine. I thank God for I am alive until now. 

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