Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

Sandakan View: Friendly Trip

Perjalanan ke Sandakan mengambil masa kira-kira 45 minit dengan menggunakan kapal terbang atau bus mengambil masa 6 - 7 jam. Perbelanjaan beli tiket kapal terbang pergi dan balik semula kira-kira RM 150.00, manakala bus kira-kira RM 50.00. 

Sandakan merupakan bandar utama yang menjadi pusat pemerintahan Syarikat British Borneo Utara (SBBU), yang dikenali sebagai Elopura. Pusat pemerintahan sekarang adalah Kota Kinabalu yang menjadi ibu negeri Sabah. Sandakan merupakan bandar kedua terbesar di Sabah. 

Pada pendapat saya, Sandakan memberikan saya dua perasaan iaitu klasik dan moden. Saya menyatakan ianya klasik sebab masih banyak lagi tempat yang menarik dan lama. Apabila saya berjalan kaki, saya dapat melihat begitu banyak bangunan lama yang tinggi dan bentuknya seperti bangunan lama di Hong Kong atau Thailand. Moden yang saya maksudkan di sini ialah landskap yang menarik dengan gaya rekaan bangunan moden dan pelbagai. Sandakan adalah bandar yang sedang membangun. 

(Travel to Sandakan takes about 45 minutes by plane or bus takes 6-7 hours. Expenditure buy a plane ticket to go and come back around RM 150.00, while the bus is around RM 50.00. 

Sandakan is the principal city of the seat of government of the British North Borneo Company (SBBU), known as Elopura. Central government now is Kota Kinabalu which is the capital of Sabah. Sandakan is the second largest city in the state. 

In my opinion, Sandakan gave me two of classic and modern feeling. I say classic because it is much more interesting place and time. When I walk, I can see so many old buildings are tall and shaped like the old buildings in Hong Kong or Thailand. Modern I mean here is an interesting landscape with style and design of modern buildings. Sandakan is a city that is developing.)

Let's go through the pictures. 

 Sandakan Airport - Food centre is located at the top level

Sandakan Hotel - where I saw two goats walking around 

Here at Sandakan, people call some place as "Batu or Bandar" . I can't remember the name of this city

 Sandakan have many replica. This is crocodile replica. It's trying to point to another way. I made a joke, "our tour guide, crocodile."

 We have our breakfast here with one family.  

Mee sup: Murah dan sedap - non-halal food 

Giant Supermarket. It is not far from palm Oil Kretam - almost 45 minute or more.  

Jabatan Perhutanan Sabah 

 We made a lunch together with one family at TLDM

 Ayam Penyet Medan Selera - we don't have enough time to visit this place

Dewan Masyarakat Sandakan 

 Good landscape

Sandakan St Micheal Church. I heard that 1 person have to pay RM 5.00 to enter this church 

This stone in front of the church. It said that the church established on 29 September 1988. The time capsule to be open in year 2038 and 2088. Wow. 

Of course, church bell 

 St. Micheal Church

 Way to Bandar Nam Tung

 Beach and boat. Sandakan famous with seafood. Murah dan segar

 Pusat Pembangunan Belia dan Sukan. A place where you can enough your tea 

 Kedai Kopi Baru Bar Lock Yuen is located on the ground floor Pusat Pembangunan Belia dan Sukan

Telur tart dan air bunga yang sedap 

Old oil station

Old and tall building. My friend said that there is no lift here. So, you just need to practice here, if you want to climb Mount Kinabalu. 

 This street remind me about Bangkok Dangerous movie. 

 Hand print at Harbour Mall. We came here at night to watch lion dance, but we are late. Actually, this location previously is shallow sea.

 The mall is close about 9.00 pm or early 8.00pm. 

 On top of this market is a place for us to get our breakfast. It's for non-halal food. The level before is for halal food.

 Harbour Mall

In front of this hill, you can see temple.  

 Hope Sandakan Centre

 Hope Sandakan Centre


 Nak Hotel established on 1966

 Rotary Observation Pavilion

 This place located in front of Agnes Keith's house. 

 Agnes Keith as known  as Agnes Newton Keith is a writer of Land Below the Wind, who married with Henry G. Keith or Harry Keith, the Conversator of Forests and Director of Agriculture under Chartered Company

 We enjoyed our  seafood here, in the middle of village, Kampung Sim-sim. Restaurant Seafood Sim-sim.

I hope I can visit Sandakan once again. There is many places inside my head to explore. Pusat Pemeliharaan Orang Hutan Sepilok, the Rainforest Discovery Centre, Turtle Islands Park, Sungai Kinabatangan dan Gua Gomantong.

1 ulasan:

  1. Love this post! It was an eye-opening trip of exploring what God has prepared for this wonderful land.
    Great job on this post, Angin ;) *thumbs up*
