Jumaat, 31 Julai 2015

Tanjung Aru Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Malaysia

Pemandangan yang begitu cantik sekali dan sesuai sebagai tempat untuk menenangkan fikiran. Di samping itu, boleh dijadikan sebagai tempat untuk bermain, mandi-manda dan BBQ bersama dengan keluarga. Kawasan yang paling famous untuk berekreasi.

Rabu, 29 Julai 2015

Market Sandakan Sabah

9 February 2014, kira-kira jam 9.20am kami pergi ke kawasan Market Sandakan untuk sarapan pagi di sana. Di tingkat bawah, ramai sekali peniaga yang menjual makanan laut yang sudah dikeringkan, buah-buahan dan kraftangan. Kami pergi ke tingkat  atas sekali, sebab di sana ada tempat makan. Tingkat atas terbuka luas, dari sana kami dapat melihat permandangan laut Sandakan yang sungguh mempersonakan. Wow... Harap dapat pergi ke sana lagi, sebab makanannya sangat sedap. Syukurlah. 


Makanan laut 

Open Air

Persisiran laut

Selasa, 28 Julai 2015

Sandakan Sabah, Malaysia

Begitu cantik sekali bandar Sandakan. Saya mengambil gambar ini pada 9 February 20114 pada pukul 3.40pm. Kami naik ke kawasan pelancongan (Rumah Agnes  Keith). Dari sana, saya mengambil snap gambar yang begitu cantik ini. 

Bugis Wedding

I went to my friend friend's house to attend Bugis Wedding. So, I just got this picture. We are not attend morning program - akad nikah - so, we just come afternoon program, wedding stage. This wedding involved two couple, two sibling, younger and older brother. As you can see here, the color theme is various. Blue, pink, yellow, and green. What I like the most is the background wall. It's creative.

 There is two stages here. Left, is for wedding and right is for performance.

 Usually, people invite band to perform in wedding.

 There's many ways to express your love for someone special I like this couple. Supporting and simple.

All I can say about this wedding is excitement. The food and traditional clothes. May God bless this couple. I hope I can attend many type of wedding. Maybe I can be a photographer too.

Long House Nanga Mela Kapit, Sarawak (Modern)


Run and through...

       It seems like long house, but modern version. I remember our long house once was wooden house. The floor was not on the ground but suspended. After piling the 'tebelian' wood, we start to make the floor as high as 1 meter - some of long house was high than us - and people call  it 'baruh rumah'. 

       I remember when I was a kid, I like to play around the bottom of houses. We do 'gotong-royong' every month just to clean underground. I remember that my niece once felt into the underground of long house. We are panic and called her mother to take her. It seems to be fine because she not injured but still she cries for help. She just learning to walk. Poor Sena. Now, she is 20, I think. I am too far from home, that cause me not able to calculate her age well. Thanks God because she grew up to be a mature niece. 

       When my mother drop something underground, she will call me out/yell my name to take it back. Sometimes, I ask for 10 sen for return. Haha. I will buy some sweet. Best of it, we - my sibling- will share the sweet together. Either we divide one sweet to three or four piece. Another one sweet will be save for tomorrow night session or tomorrow. Or I just save it for myself - if I managed to hide it. Oh, the sweet memory of mine. I thank God for I am alive until now. 

Wedding at Church

I like to catching and taking the moment into the perfect walls and pictures. The moment of my friend wedding. See, you are complete together. For my friend, mentor and sister (Ros), 
"I wish you happy with your new life and of course husband (Ron). When you need something to encouraging you, just open it and you will see how beautiful this moment is." Here we go: 

Preparation before wed: Has, Nel, Ika, Yati

Flower Design 

Wishing Card

Ron & Ros

Registration to Hall: Mel, A-nie

Main hall: Church hall

Main hall: Wedding hall

Wedding Hall

JS & N-Ai

Julan S & A-en LK

Wee & Mel

Full of expression: C-Fung & C-Clif

S-ti, Ika & peace

Nom frame

Julan S& N-Ai

Corner: N-Ai & Julan S

C-Fung & C-Clif

Nana & C-Fung

A-en LK & Wedding PIC: Joan

MC: Joan

Photographer JoS & Nana

T-cy: Yellow


Julan S & N-Ai

C-Fung, Julan S & Nana

C-Fung & Nana

Happy atmosphere

Ron's family

Ros's family

Ros's Family 

P&W: D-lan, I-ly, CClif


Word of God: H-ris & Kath

Ps Anthony 

Bride & groom
(Ros & Ron)

Blessed Wedding! 

Beautiful bride


Celebration after the vow


R&R Wedding 8 Jun 2013

Walking together to the future

Family photo

Colleague Photo

Student Photo

Working Adult Photo 

Student group

Lunch time: An

Abi-g & R-chel 


Kath & J-son

Nan-C, C-Fung, Julan S & Nana

D-ny & K-leb

Teasing you: Nom, E-ster, Nel

Kak Laura's Family

E-ster & Nom


Nita, Molin & DDiana

Colleague bro Ron





Adel and bros: T-tus, E-die, Lois, Fray

Has & Nana

R&R Family

Ron & Ros Family

Nel & E-ster

Ron & mak


Esau & bro


Nel, E-ster

T-tus & Lois

K-la & K-sey

Pengapit perempuan: K-la

Lunch( R&R Family)

Weeding atmosphere: Playing bubble

Ugak & Bro

C-Fung & Joan


I-ta & K-la


Jeck, bro John & family

Main: Teka siapa

MC: D-ny

Sing together: Are you okay J-son? D-lan can't see ya..

C-Clif & D-lan

Sis Grac-

MC: D-ny


Flo, An, M-Ling


A-na & E-ster

Ros & Ron 

N-in, N-cy, Has



Lunch time: Jep

Lunch: R&R with family

C-Clif, K-la, K-sey, D-lan

A song for bride & groom


Wedding theme: Blue 

Kath: a song for friend


Congrats for your wedding Ron & Ros

Asking for a dance


Catch the flower: Has, N-cy, C-Fung, Kim, T-cy


K-la, Has, N-cy 

Beautiful: JS, Adel, C-Fung, Joan

K-la & Ros 

K-sey, run for photo snap, K-la, Ros, Ron

Bride & groom and their best man-woman


T-cy, R&R: congratulation 

Nicol & C-Fung

Aren LK, Adel

Ron, Ros, Kat, Sis

J-son, Ron, Ros, Kath, Sis

Family Group BM

Uga, Ron, Ros, Kath, Sis

Okay, okay, sisters turn!

Nom, Nel, Ron, Ros, Nicol, Wee, Anne, Mel


Anne: D-ny what a you doing here? Sisters group

I see a lot of blues here...

Brother waiting for their turn to take some picture with R&R

Okay, our turn!

Planning style 

1st photo shoot: Cool

2nd photo shoot: Fly away 
D-ny, Fray, D-lan, J-son start to be energetic bros 

3rd photo shoot: Happier
E-die: Er... 

4th photo shoot: Trying to be cute
E-die: I'm still cool bros

5th photo shoot: Happiest
D-ny: MC? Singer? 

WA turn: Not ready yet 
E-die: always ready 

1st photo shoot: Ladies & gentleman
E-die: Haha...

2nd photo shoot: Snatching flower  

3rd photo shoot: Ladies like flower
Bros: Coolers...

4th photo shoot: Suprise!

5th photo shoot: Smiley over flower

C-Fung, Ros, Ron, Jec-son

I-ly, R&R, Shem


What are you up to?

Uncles & R-cel

H-ris Politely: Congratulation for your wedding..

H-ris: Nda jadi pula. Funny moment

Okay, cool

Ron& Ros

Thank you for your support

May God bless you two...

Life is better when you have someone to trust,
life is happier when you have someone to love,
life is easier when you have supporter,
life is more stronger when two become one. 

Support each other,
love each other, 
trust each other, 
most of all
through it all together...  

Have a blessed future